Github Actions

Github Action badge

Good news: we ship pre-built Github Action with this project.

You can use it from the Github Marketplace:

- name: dotenv-linter
  uses: wemake-services/dotenv-linter

You can also specify any version starting from 0.1.5 instead of the default latest tag.



We support three reporting options:

  • terminal (default one) when we just dump the output into Action’s logs. Is the easiest one to setup, that’s why we use it by default

  • github-pr-review (recommended) when we use inline comments inside code reviews

  • github-pr-check when we use Github Checks for the output

Take a note that github-pr-review and github-pr-check requires GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to be set.

For example, that’s how github-pr-reviews can be set up:

- name: dotenv-linter
  uses: wemake-services/dotenv-linter
    reporter: 'github-pr-review'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.github_token }}


We also support custom CLI options to be specified, they are exactly match anything that can be provided to dotenv-linter itself:

- name: dotenv-linter
  uses: wemake-services/dotenv-linter
    options: './conf/.env ./conf/.env.docker'


We also support outputs from the spec, so you can later pass the output of dotenv-linter to somewhere else.

- name: dotenv-linter
  uses: wemake-services/dotenv-linter
- name: Custom Action
  runs: echo "{{ steps.dotenv-linter.outputs.output }}"